Friday, December 31, 2010

Almost 2011....

Dear 2010,
It was soooo great to know you! You introduced me to so many cool new families, babies, high school seniors, and couples. You were beautiful with the weather (I am willing to overlook those ridiculously hot and humid summer mornings). 125 sessions in all made for a good year, and I am so thankful to you for that. I'm anxious to meet your friend, 2011. Tell him to play nice, m'kay?

I am excited to tell 2011 about all my new giveaways and deals and specials that I'm going to have. I know that my clients will be pretty excited! I am bummed I had to raise prices a bit, but I am still well below many other area photographers. When the printing company raises their prices, I guess I have to follow suit, although it was a hard decision to make. Hopefully all of my specials will far outweigh the con of having to raise prices.

AND, I am really excited about a birth to one year program that I will be implementing very soon. Just have to work out the final details.

All-in-all, I am ready for 2011.

Thanks, 2010, for being such a fabulous year!!!
P.S.--I can't promise I'm going to get better about this blogging thing, though.


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